Friday, January 29, 2010

Update 2

Soooooooo.. yeah my hotel doesn't have internet which is sort of a pain in the ass for updating this. I'd post some more journal stuff but I left my notebook @ my hotel. Using an internet cafe which is only 1 baht a minute, as opposted to 120 baht for 30 minutes. Ok it's only 1/4 the price, but this country is ruining me as far as being a cheap-ass.
Took a bus over to Ayutthaya this morning and was there for around 4 or 5 hours. That place is AMAZING. I kinda of want to hold off posting pictures until I get back to the states and can edit them right. SORRY!

I'll give you a sneak preview, here is from the elephant camp where I rode and got my picture taken with some elephants:

It might look like those poor elephants are under the constant threat of being blown away, but that dude is just there in case Dumbo decides to rage on my ass. (It's a tranquilizer gun) But seriously, I rode an elephant. I was sorta afraid I was going to fall off and break all my camera shit but luckily I didn't. The elephant I rode was 45 years old. The one in the picture is not the one I rode, but it looked pretty similar. Of course I am not an elephant master or anything.

Ssonyo the Korean Queen suggested I try some Shrimp Pad Thai, so last night I did:

She was right, it was good. I'll post some more random journal entries before I go to bed tonight. Probably in 5-6 hours or something. Adios!

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