Thursday, February 19, 2009

Favorites Part Twenty

This was one of the first pictures I had taken after being back from Hawaii back in July. I was in a bit of a funk because I wasn't finding Central Illinois to be as interesting to photograph. Mandy and I decided to go check out the West-Newell boardwalk with our dog and I figured I'd take my camera and see if it would put me back in the mood.

Good thing I did! It totally got me back into the frenzy and I ended up taking a ton around Danville during the rest of the summer. Sometimes it can be hard to appreciate what surrounds you as being unique or interesting, but you have to realize that what surrounds you is absent from people in other parts of the world... thus making it interesting for them to see. I.E. people that live on the beach dream of going to the mountains.

This was another one of the first photos where I touched the contrast slider. The wood was pretty boring to begin with, but a little extra contrast really brought out the detail in it. Looks like I went a bit crazy with the green in this, but oh well.. I was still new to editing. :-)

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