Getting paid for photography has the adverse affect of making you less likely to take pictures when you aren't being paid for them. Of course, it's also because I'm tired of taking pics in the Danville area...
Last week I took a picture of a tree by Lake Vermillion for a musician named Wes who I am working with for a CD project. Going to have two seperate pics of the tree: one with the leaves changing (the one I took) and one with the tree being bare (might wait til we get some snow on the ground). First one turned out good ( and I'm sure the second one will be cool too.
Took some pics with Tim Cowan last night so he could have some stuff to hang in his guitar room. Haven't really had much experience taking shots of instruments before so it took a bit to get in the zone and come up with some good ideas, but we got some pretty cool shots once we were rolling.
Going to come up with some personal work soon.. staying at my parent's house for now while I am in the middle of trying to relocate to Chicago. At least staying at their house provides me with some different local settings to try and take some shots in. Not sure what I'm going to do but I'm thinking something sophisticated... I need to rent a Tux or something.
Hopefully I'll have something cool to go here sometime soon!