Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh my God, another update!

Wow I thought I had been bad before the last post, I've been way worse since!

This summer has kept me pretty busy... have done a number of photoshoots and have gone on a number of trips amounting to some pretty awesome pictures taken!

I got to go to the beach:

I have also done a few shoots with Heather Dively for art for her CD. Right now I'm still waiting for her to choose a cover image in order to edit that, but there were lots of other cool photos taken:

I had a really awesome Photoshoot with Andrea Coe back at the end of July for part of my Deftones project, where I am taking pictures based on song names. It is probably one of my most interesting portraits, and I am pretty proud of it:

Here's hoping the next few months are full of cool stuff too! I will keep this updated a bit better from now, promise!